Day 2 Lorna’s Farm (24/7/22) by Rohita

Tramping on a farm in Winter ‘Think again’. Yes, thoughts were changed when it comes to a first-time learning experience. This tramp at Lorna’s Farm was an overnighter.

Our day began at 9.30am when the Sun’s rays started to touch the surface of the farmland, clearing the fog and mist making the day warmer and sunny. All the enthusiastic trampers got up in the viewpoint of having a good day and lucky for us there was no rain all weekend.

This journey was in the mountainous country passing the ridges, plateaus, hills, waterfalls, farm paddies on the sight of river flowing in the distance from uphill, the breeze on the hills was cold but very pleasant to walk.

Discovery about the flora and fauna of the farm surrounded by the disused coal mine, sheep cows, goats, birds, wild duck, fan-tails, ponga ponga and ferns, scrubs which exist in the wild ecosystem. Getting a grasp of a real farm. Cow herding, sheep shearing, goat farming was a first-hand learning experience for me with the preservation of family history and legacy by younger generation farmers and the love and respect for them.

Every tramp imparts the precession of care and respect amongst the group, the knowledge and experience not forgetting the teamwork which made the day a superb one.

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