Farm visit HTC trip report 1236 July 23/24 2022
2 cars – 8 people (sadly 2 had to pull out due to flu and covid infections) arrived at the farm for morning tea Saturday. Already there were three motorhomes, 2 more trampers and three non tramping husbands. As it was a lot colder than Hamilton and I had to motivate the trampers to leave the warmth in the house and start the tramp.
Whilst there is lots of tramping on our farm I wanted to revisit a track I had done 5 years ago. We walked up the Pura road and into the bush – it was lovely to see the regeneration on this track - 5 years ago it was raw clay. There were views along the ridge back down to our farm, and in the distance Hikurangi, Hauhungaroa and a snippet of Ruapehu.
Part of the walk was thru Bill’s goat farm, not dairy goats but feral goats bought from other farmers, held and fattened for a while before being trucked to an abattoir. The meat from these goats is for ‘local trade’ ie consumed in NZ not exported. The next day Bill called in at the house supplied answers to many questions. The valley has had up to nine coalmines (the last closed in 1971) and we could see the regenerating manuka on the old workings, it also makes for unstable hill sides evidenced by the big slip on Bill’s road.
On return to the house, it was hot showers, or a dip in the hot bath outside, happy hour and potluck dinner. To continue the goat theme Claudine had made a lovely mild goat curry, enjoyed by all.
The non trampers had occupied themselves learning to use a newly purchased drone, stoking the fires, and completing the plumbing on the hottub.
Thanks to all for coming and sharing part of my world – Lorna
you tube video of the coalmine on our farm filmed for TV 1968